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A Conversation with IAE Esthetics Students; Who are they and how did they get here? ~ By Robin, Instructor @ IAE

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  • A Conversation with IAE Esthetics Students; Who are they and how did they get here? ~ By Robin, Instructor @ IAE

Welcome to the August 2021, IAE Blog post, from me- Robin, an Esthetics Instructor & Spa Industry Enthusiast!

As mentioned, I am currently an Instructor at the International Academy of Esthetics in Sherwood Park, Alberta.

One of the highlighted points of the IAE Mission Statement is that we offer small class sizes to allow us to work more closely and give more to each student. In this setting I have the pleasure to really get to know our students and learn about them and what lead them to become estheticians. I find this intriguing and recently had a hugely inspiring conversation regarding higher education versus trade school and it inspired me to share.

Soon to graduate from the IAE Esthetics Diploma Program is a diverse, fun, intelligent, dedicated and incredibly supportive group of women that share a common bond in their passion for the beauty industry. Collectively they have over 20+ years of university education, 4 degrees, 2 Certificate programs from Technical College’s, and over 80k followers on social media! Successful and intriguing women to say the least! Our class ranges from newly graduated High School students all the way to Mothers in their 40’s who are seeking a shift in their life. We are inclusive to all, welcoming to souls from all paths and genuinely work with our mantra in mind; “Our goal is your success.”

It was a final exam day, so the class was slightly more quiet than usual, the students were nervous to display their skills and have them critiqued, but every so often you’d hear a few words from one to another, “You got this, you are so good at this, don’t worry- you know how to do this.” All compassionate and rooting for each other, it is touching because there is no competition, no one-upping, no spite, these girls really care about each others outcome. I felt so proud to see this unfold! To lighten the mood after the exam I started asking the students for their thoughts on some of ideas I’ve been contemplating. As we started talking the conversation came to this question from me to them:

Instructor: “I’ve realized that many of you have degrees & I find it incredibly interesting that after putting so much into your higher education, your path brought you to this industry, how did you choose esthetics?”

Student AC- “Honestly when I got out of high school, I felt the expectation was to achieve a University Degree…. so, I did, I quickly realized it was boring and isolating and I was incredibly unhappy. I have always been interested in the art of beauty and I decided to follow my interest. Truthfully, I skated through high school and University and this program has been much more challenging for me.” Student AC is a 98% average student easily and she is incredibly intelligent. She is a proficient student, steadily professional and I believe she will succeed in any path that she chooses. Her degree is in Library Studies, hugely different than esthetics and the spa industry!

Student AR- “I graduated after taking Cos (cosmetology) in high school and knowing I really loved it. My expectation was that trade school was not sufficient and people that could not make it to university would be the ones to go to trade school, both male and female. Well to my surprise I put in a ton of work in my Technical Writing Program which I loved, but there was no work in the industry. I was unable to fulfill my life within my field and it pointed me back in the direction of my passion for the beauty industry.” AR is a very analytical and extremely proficient student, she has succeeded in all aspects of the program and has set up her own home based space for a side hustle and has plans to expand her education in the industry further plus seek employment in the Industry post grad. I see her as one of the top tiers in her chosen niche and look forward to following her success.

Student ET- This woman is incredibly passionate and has chosen to expand her skills in the industry to better serve her clients as she is already highly certified. She has continually built upon her acquired skills as a beauty professional and has many certificates in the industry on top of a bachelor’s degree.  She has many passions and combines them with an open heart to be an extremely inclusive, skilled, and quality in her bedside manner, treatment outcomes and has successfully built an incredible following and clientele. We commend her for her drive and are all intrigued by her dynamic success!

Student RD- As a young woman this student has so many technical skills, I can see that nothing will stop her from being the best in her chosen lane of the esthetics and beauty industry. She has years of Cosmetology from high school and followed her passion to achieve a Diploma in her field. She has a diverse skill set and I assume will change her niche as she gets more experience. She is confident, proficient, and often has the answer in group discussions prior to anyone, even Instructors! Her high school training helps her in this program as she is extremely competent with technology, is apt at studying and understands deadlines and study rituals better than many of us! No bad habits yet!

These are a few highlights from this discussion and my intention here was to show that no matter where you come from, no matter what your background or skills are there is a place for you at IAE. If you have a passion for inspiring others, for helping other people feel good about themselves, for helping people relax, and for educating people on how to take better care of themselves then Esthetics could be your calling. If you don’t see yourself as an esthetician but you love the Spa/Beauty/Wellness Industry, then you can not go wrong with learning as much as possible about the industry. Not every niche is going to be your favourite and that is okay too, part of school is discovery and building a foundation to grow upon. At IAE we are here to assist you every step of the way, I look forward to our future students and continuing my relationship with our alumni.

IAE ~ learn what you love, love how you learn.



Robin Tamboline

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I did a lot of research on which school to attend, after much thought I chose IAE. I absolutely made the right choice. I was very happy with my time there and was able to secure a job before I graduated. It's also nice to know that I have an internationally recognized diploma so that no matter where life takes me my education is valid.

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